Vision, Mission, and the power of Personal Brand
How mobster Mums Can Build a Powerful Business: Defining Your Vision, Mission & Personal Brand By Francesca Hodgson, Professional and Personal Coach, Business Mentor at We Are Ambition Ventures
Hello Mobsters,
If we haven't yet met, I'm Francesca, the newest Business Coach at the MOB. Last week marked my first appearance here, and I hope you found value in it; If you missed it, we talked about the importance of understanding your values. My aim with this blog series is to empower and inspire you, sharing insights that apply to both personal growth and business pursuits.
This week, let’s dive into the concepts of vision, mission, and the power of personal brand.
Understanding Vision and Mission
For those who know the ropes of business, vision and mission may be familiar. But for anyone new to these terms, let me clarify. Most brands operate with a core identity, a logo and tagline all underpinned by a vision, mission, and purpose.
Take Coca-Cola as a classic example:
Purpose: Refresh the world. Make a difference.
Vision: Craft drinks that people love, refresh the body and spirit, and foster a more sustainable future that benefits people, communities, and the planet.
Mission: To refresh the world, inspire optimism and happiness, and create value that makes a difference.
In essence, the vision is the “what” of a brand—the ‘North Star’ guiding it forward with ambition. The mission is the “how”—the actionable steps to bring that vision to life.
Reflecting on your personal brand: If you were a brand, what would you be, what would you stand for?
Now, let’s apply this concept to you. If you, along with your values, were a brand, how would it look? Could you define a vision statement for your life?
Earlier this year, I took on this exercise, and it has truly transformed my perspective. My purpose is to positively impact millions by helping people achieve mental clarity. My vision is to create a safe and loving space where I have the freedom to work independently, providing solutions to help others drive their ambitions. And my mission? To deliver clarity of mind through education, coaching, wellness, and business advisory.
If this feels daunting, don’t worry. It took me years of self-exploration to get here. I encourage you to continually consider this question: If you were a brand, what would you be? This kind of introspection can make the concept of personal branding feel more authentic and accessible.
So, what is personal brand?
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of personal branding isn’t new. It was actually introduced by management expert Tom Peters in 1997. Personal branding is about finding what makes you unique, building a reputation on the things you want to be known for, and staying true to them.
How does this help? In my experience, “like attracts like.” I admit, I was initially skeptical about personal branding, finding it a bit “cheesy.” But over the past year, I’ve come to see its benefits. We live in the social media age, which, for better or worse, has democratised advertising, giving everyday people the power to build their brands and voice their opinions.
Why social media is essential for personal branding
Social media is the most powerful tool today for connecting with others and showcasing your brand. Once I overcame my fear of sharing my authentic self with the world, things started moving in a positive direction. You don’t necessarily have to market yourself widely, but if you’re building a business, it’s often essential. Think about the last time you searched for a new place to eat—chances are, you checked both their website and social media.
In Summary
In life and business, a strong foundation of purpose is crucial. When you pursue what truly drives you, your authentic self will naturally shine, and the right people will come into your world. In addition, you will know what to prioritise and what doesn’t serve you. In a world where everything (kids included) are fighting for our attention, staying true to ourselves can be the game changer.
Thank you for reading this week’s blog! Next week, I’ll talk about opportunities and life's unexpected turns through sharing more about my story and how it led me to entrepreneurship and coaching. In the meantime, if you enjoyed this and want to connect, follow my journey on Instagram at we.are.ambition.
Until next time, keep inspired!
Bonus: Weekly recommendations to inspire:
Top read (available on audible): The Trillion Dollar Coach by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenburg and Alan Eagle.
who is mobster francesca?
Hi, I am Francesca Hodsgon, Founder of We are Ambition and mum to Oliver and Harry who are now 11 and 7. I am an exited tech founder on a mission to help millions of people find mental clarity and to inspire and support business leaders of the future.
It's a pleasure to be a guest writer and resident business coach for The MOB (Mums Who Build). Every Monday I will be sharing my blog to help motivate and inspire and you to build the life and future your want in motherhood. If you have a question you can drop me a DM anytime.
WHo are mums who build? (the mob)
Founded in 2023 by two east london mums rebecca coxshall and georgie harris.
the MOB (mums who build) is the community enabling mums to build the life and future YOU want in motherhood.
We do this through:
Connection; and
Financial Fitness
But it's so much more than just a community. It's an attitude, it's a lifestyle; it's the team that will be championing you through motherhood and life. So whatever it is your building - a business, a career, something else, join our free community today to find out more about how The MOB can support you to build the life you want. Motherhood is wild - we're stronger together and it's a hell of a lot more fun!
If you are able to get to London, we'd love to meet you! Come down and see us in person at one of our events. The MOB also hosts regular 'Mobster Hangouts' - free mum meet-ups (kids welcome) - weekly in Walthamstow and monthly in Stoke Newington, full details of these are on the Events page.
Got a question for us? Drop us an email: