how much do us mums need in our pensions?

How much is a good pension pot in the uk?

How much do I need to pay in each month to have a comfortable retirement?

what can I do for my pension if i need to take many years out of paid work to look after any dependents?

These are the types of questions that i think of monthly when I do payroll for myself in my consulting business, and see the pension contribution exiting the bank

I’m very conscious of the gap i want to make up due to having a child, and changing my role from being employed to self-employed

Some fun facts that reassure me when I’m feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable are;

  • there is a lot of free information available for female focused audiences, if i look for it

  • women outperform men in annual returns >0.5 to 1% each year because we are nurturers of stocks so long-term gains are more probable in certain cases

  • compound interest is our fairy godmother and will work her magic on our savings if we prioritise them

But nothing happens if I don’t take action on it

So i’m scouring the internet, and talking to chat gpt and real people in the know, and I’ll share it with you monthly

This guardian article puts things in plain english

and this money week article gives some excellent ideas on how mums can take action on it starting today.

Let me know what other questions you have on pensions and i’ll do the work on research so you don’t have to!

Only when we work together as a team in the oldest organisation in the world, motherhood, can we build more freedom, opportunities and equity.

much mob love to you all

BC x




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