if you google the above question, it comes back referencing ceo, medical professionals and corporate lawyers.

We think differently at the mob.

But To not beat around the bush, sugar coat the shit, or wrap you up in cotton wool, I have never experienced more worry and loneliness than I do on the regular now.
It started in November 2022 when I went out on my own to build my consulting business in organisational culture, my passion.
Trying to build something alone is terrifying, and for someone like me, it's a feeling I have a love hate relationship with. I love the freedom and decision making, but I hate the periods of uncertainty. I do have Chat GPT for a co-worker now but their chat about how they are feeling is very repetitive.
I do know I'll be happier long-term though because building something, however hard, is what will give me fulfilment.
This period also coincided with me becoming a mum for the first time (never have I chosen the easy path in life).
And whilst learning to keep a human alive it dawned on me that, I wasn’t going out alone, I had just been hired at the oldest organisation in the world - Motherhood. And every mother was my peer, senior, junior, mentor, expert, and board of directors in this company.
My passion for how organisational culture can get the best out of people, means I try to consume a lot of content around it, and neuroscience is offering insights into what people need mentally, to be motivated to do their best work.
And my worlds started colliding again …. Motherhood and the best organisations in the world have a few things in common.
According to D Cable's Alive At Work, the neuroscience of helping your people love what thet do, by activating our brains' 'seeking system', we work with more passion to create solutions and value through our work.
And activating those 'seeking systems' takes three elements;
👉 Purpose & Meaning - my role helps someone/it makes a difference to their lives (contribution)
👉 Self-Expression - my unique talents support others to progress (individuality)
👉 Experimentation & Creativity - trial and error, play, freedom.
Now by my comparison (and I would love to hear your thoughts on them) there are more yeses in the Motherhood column than in the Company column of those elements.
So can companies and leaders learn a lot from Motherhood?
And Motherhood learn a lot from progressive leadership theories?
So that's why we (my co-founder Georgie and I) started MUMS WHO BUILD, aka The MOB.
We want to redefine motherhood as the best organisation in the world and create a team in all mothers and men who build. That team can develop and share their skills and talents with others and receive the recognition and value they deserve, so we can eliminate the motherhood penalty and close the wealth gap in the UK.
We have a plan for how to do it, but we always want feedback and insights from those in the current leadership roles in their families, the mother and fathers doing it - day in day out - you.
Please join us, and drop us a message with your ideas or issues faced, as we'd love to chat to you about how we can learn from both sides of the fence and make a difference for the next generation of leaders for our companies.
CMO – Chief Motherhood Officer, My Family and co-founder, the MOB, aka mums who build


sexy old pensions


how much do us mums need in our pensions?